Mon 27 Jan
petite S W E E T beautiful . raelynn is here to have F_U_N - 19
(Inland Empire, DIAMOND BAR ((incall))
►►► — — ██████ ★ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ █ ★ █ █ █ █ █ █ - - - - - - - - - Outstanding Asian and Latina Staff - 23
(Los Angeles, — ► LAX Area / Lennox)
•★• P E R F E C T •★• ——— B L O N D E*B A R B i E ——— •★• V i S i T i N G •★ - 23
(Ventura, Ventura Incall / OutCalls EveryWhere)
Patty❀ Best ❀ Choice❀ Attractive ❀ Asian❀ Girl ❀In Town - 23
(101/Hamshire Rd/Thousand Oaks, Ventura)
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body - 19
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, 10 minutes away)
ocfun / moonfruit girl / ocfun / moonfruit girls WE ARE BACK..... - 21
(Irvine, Irvine, JWA 405/jamboree private condo, Orange County)
+*+OMG... Wats Wrong With U People... Persian Mixx from Miami_ Here Today+*+ - 21
(Ventura, seaward/harbor**ventura)
🌌NEW📷📷🌌NueVa💄☆➔💯 [30MiN]➔100🍭🍬Dulce Maria🍫🍦 100%>Me💄💄 - 22
(((VentuRa InCalls)) 📣Hablo EspaNol📣, Ventura)
NEW! Young petite pretty face 💄💄💄 outcall special 😻 100% REAL Latina - 23
(Oxnard, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Ventura)
▃▅▆:★:♚ new! uρscαℓε U*N*R*U*S*H*E*D gorgεous -MiXED ρℓαγmαtε , LOVE wut iDO, & iDO it BEST♚:★:▆▅▃ - 24
(Ventura, Ventura, Thousand Oaks ,surrounding)
NEW ♥ On the prowl ♥Here To Make A Grown Man Cry!! Call For A Cut To The Front Of The Line♥ - 28
NeW NeW ____** ViSiTiNG ** ____ !! GoRgeOus BeAuTiFuL LaTiNa !! ____ 1o0 Special - - 29
📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢New Sexy aSian Girls💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋8056079212 - 22
(Port Hueneme Oxnard Thousand Oaks, Ventura)
New Hottie in Town! Gorgeous! And Waiting for You!
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, In your arms ;))
((*PURE : ♥ : SWTNS)) !!+!! (( *KiLLeR BoDy* ))) !!+!! *((* BloNde BaRBiE* )) - 22
🌹R U As HORNIE As I aM ❓ 💋SuPEr SeXy💋 AsK aBoUt My SpEcAlS 💝OpEn MiNdEd👙 📞805-422-1324📱 🌟Porn Star🌟 - 31
(simi valley 💝💘 In-Call, Ventura)
PPSSS . . . . . . Hey YOU . . . Look @ ME . . . . . Specials - 32
(Ventura, Ventura, and surr areas)
🌺One of A kind🌺 TOTAL KNOCKOUT👊😜💋 Catch me while you still can🚘 💋 - 19
(Thousand Oaks,Simi,Agoura,camarillo, Ventura)
*.*.*.* Hurry Before It's Too Late! *.*.*.* Hurry Before It's Too Late! *.*.*.* - 21
╠╣OT ♥S —E— X —Y ♥ ╠╣OT BRUNETTE 💟 S_P_E_C_I_A_L 💟 E_D_I_T_I_O_N 💟💟 💟💟 - 24
(Ventura, Thousand oaks : Camarillo)
NEW *YOUNG *outcalls 120hh2h special* REAL busty sexy petite Latina - 24
(Simi valley, moorpark, thousand oaks, ox, Ventura)
***NEW PICS*** Certified Beauty Queen Aiming to Please - 24
(Ventura, ThousandOaks/SimiValley surroundingarea)
NEW In Town!! 💕Incredible Mamacita 💕[ 100% REAL ] »——» [ * BOMBSHELL* ] »——» [ LATINA]💕 - 20
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks - $150 Outcalls-)
**New Latina BARBIE**SEXY Spinner 100% Satisfaction**Ready to play**((559-573-2066)) - 19
(Ventura, (VENTURA))
~*~NEW GIRL in Town to Rock Your World~*~ - 19
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
!*~*!New In Town!!! 42 DD Ebony Goddess// All Natural! Holiday Specials!!! - 22
(Ventura, Camarillo(incall) & surr areas outcall)
NEW- :©:* EXTREMELY ©:* ADDICTIVE * :©: *BLONDE BEAUTY *::* *:© - 23
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks/101 incalls or outcalls)
== ________ NEW _________ == ViSiTiNG ________== BiG B( . )( . )BS == BRUNETTE★ - 24
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks Incall)
Ms. Galore Looking for Bond - Just Kidding (sort of) Sweet, Sexy & Ready . . . - 23
(Ventura, Private Ventura Incall)
►► — ►► — ►►►— @Myako Massage — ► — *Meet one in a billion -—►— - 25
(Ventura, Btwn Pleasant Valley Rd & Saviers Rd)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ N A U G H T Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( ( B L O N D E ) ) ~Hosting~ In ~Santa~Barbara~ - 32
(santa barbara)
PETITE PLAYMATE PRINCESS »»» Beautiful »» HOT & SEXY TENDER »» Worship Gorgeous Body PYT :)-) - 21
Petite Treat _____ 34DoubleD's _____ 100Percent Sweetheart - 22
(Ventura, Ventura Incall Specials AvailNOW)
♥ .¸.´¯* P_e_R_f_E_c_T ♥. .´¯* P_L_a_Y_ m_a_T_e ♥ .¸.´¯* AVAiLABLE NOW !! - 20
(Ventura, Ventura in/outs)
Specials S e x y : S a s s y : L a t ii n a :BBW M a M a c ii t a : : { : S o : G o o D : } GFE PSE - 22
(Ventura off 101 & Victoria)
★•°o°•★ BEAUTIFUL ★ One Of A kind ★ BLONDE ★•°o°•★ - 22
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks Camarillo Oxnard Ventura)
OC's #1 ♥ SenSual ♥♡GORgeous! ◆ PLA@y MAte ❤❤ COME PL@Y ❤ NAK1D - 21
(Garden Grove, Midway City ~ Westminster ~ Stanton ~ GG)
☆New♡PixXx☆} SexXxy Big BoOtie SpaNish ♡Mamii {Available♡Now}➡VisitiNg VeNtuRa for A Few Days⬅ - 21
(Ventura, VictoriRa ||101 Fwy|| 🏄hi fellas🎱)
No More Rain But Still c.U.m Play W/ This Playful SEXY & FUN Girl Next Door~♥ _-CALL NOW - 22
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks Westlake SimiValley)
NEW SUPER! HOT! —————— ((*UPSCALE*!)) —————* KNOCKOUT*————* ViSiTiNG*—————* 100% SEXY! - 22
(Ventura, T.O. Incalls)
NEW——💝💝 NEW ——💝💝NEW ——Just Arrived ————💝💝————Petite ——💝💝Young—— 💝💝Asian Girls - 22
(Port Hueneme *Oxnard*Ventura*Thousand, Ventura)
New Online 😻😻😻💅🏻🌟👑👸🔥🔥🔥 Latina - 19
(San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, TO Simi Newbury Canoga Woodland 118, Ventura)
♥ NEW IN TOWN! ♥ HoT -&- SeXy = SWEET & SeDuCtIVe Specials Specials Specials - 22
(Ventura, Westlake INcall)
((( NeW ))) L°_E _°T°_° S° ► "available now" ◄ °P° _°L°_ °A°_° Y° - - 20
(1000 oaks)
New 💖° • °★(¯`'+ ** I AM ** + '´¯) (¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯) (¯`.¸+ A DREAM COME TRUE+ '´¯)°💖° • New - - 20
(Ventura, port hueneme oxnard)